Serra de Leba
Serra de Leba Mourntain
On the cliff at Serra de Leba
On the edge at Serra de Leba
Lubango is probably the coolest province! Today we went to go and see Serra de Leba, which
is a windy road that goes up a mountain on the way to Namibia... super cool...
It had cliffs too, I didn’t get too close this time Mom!
Some great news! We just got 3 new elders here!! I won’t be
meeting them any time soon, maybe in a few months, but anyways so Visas are finally
coming thru.
I love Lubango so
much! We have a baptismal date marked with a man who has been investigating the
church for about a year, he decided to not get married and join the church.
Elder Wilson and Elder Wilhelm had a baptism this past Saturday it was way
cool, our baptismal pia(font) is way tiny,
and Elder Wilhelm is so big it is difficult to baptize under the water. Things
are going very well, and I am loving the area!
Elder Wilson leaves next week, wow Mom you are heading to another trip
to Honduras hopefully you won’t get any parasites!
So here in Lubango., the members are really strong and they
work with the missionaries. I’ve never
had more close relationships with members on my mission, than here in Lubango.
They are so wonderful, and we are working with them and their friends, for
referrals. I am finding that it is a really good way to do missionary work. My
companion and I are doing great... the work continues to move on strong!!
Cristo O Rei statue like the one in Brazil
Cristo o Rei statue..its huge
week I was on a division with Elder Wilhelm in my area, and we had a lot of success. We taught this guy named Belmiro inside his
taxi. He explained to us his biggest
concern was being afraid of going to church, because a lot of churches here can
put fear into people especially if they aren’t paying tithing. So we explained to him that he wouldn’t feel
any fear if he came to our church. Cool lesson..then we taught another new guy
named Simao and we had a lesson just getting to know him and his pasture friends..
they offered us a drink we talked about the church... super cool guys... very
open.. they were from The Congo... and spoke French and Portuguese! So this Sunday
at church we had about 82 people come! Super good turn out!! We had so many new people come!! We didn’t
have to teach primary thankfully... oh also we are teaching one members friend
named Henrickes, who is such a cool guy!
We are helping him make changes in his life of giving up alcohol and
other things, and make good choices for friends, I know that will help him a
lot. After we met some more of Henrickes friends playing foosball outside of
one of the bars. They challenged Elder Money and I to some games, I wrecked, haha, I won like 8 times in a
row, then a really good Angolan was
destroying and beat me, anyway super fun..
More of me and the Chameleon!
Well this week was a success, I can
see the Lord’s hand in our work each and every week, focusing on those that are
ready to hear the Gospel and having the spirit with me during lessons is my
focus. It’s a wonderful time to be a missionary I love you all sooo much and I
wish you the best week! Love Elder Dunkley!
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