District Conference in Luanda
Ola Familial! We are coming up on summer here and it is getting
really hot, although I can’t wait for Christmas! I can’t believe Mason is 188 I am starving
over here and only about 170. No time to
work out either! I got the Visa and
finally and the 100 things we love about Connor! Send more I loved it!! I smiled all
night. So glad you are getting my
letters! I hope that you will be safe Mom in Honduras...Doing awesome work..I
am praying for you this week. I know it is listed as the most dangerous country
in the world! I love how my bedroom has not changed, please keep it that way
and if you could make sure that my treasure box stays safe, I have all my
important memories in there! Have fun at General Conference!
So we received 2 new missionaries and 11 more are on their
way! Things are going well over here, we
are still learning the area it is huge and takes awhile, anyways we are looking
at some baptisms coming up in this transfer I am really excited.
When Elder Dredge arrived we did some shopping
since he just came in from Huambo and that was a Province. Then I had the opportunity to explain the
area that I am working in and then we went to visit Norberto, I got lost and I
had to call Elder Hannay (my old companion) and he helped me find their
house. We talked with him and his brother
Luis and gave them a Book of Mormon and invited Irmao Norberto to be baptized
on the 26th of October with his wife, he accepted of course, they
will just need to be married first but it’s a sign of progression! It was a super good first day with Elder
With the District
We had a meeting at the Chapel with all of the District
Leaders and then we ate lunch at a Turkish Restaurant. Then we went to visit Rebecca and Pegar they are awesome kids from South Africa and they speak English. We met with a lady named Sani and we tried to go over the 1st lesson and she was so shy that she would not talk or respond, the people here in Angola are sometimes really shy. On the 26th of Oct. Norberto's wife Elisa committed to be baptized, super good day.
We went to the Priesthood session and President Merrill spoke it was awesome. We had a great turnout! We also had a district conference of Luanda, The 6th conference they have had and about 600 people showed up and I sang in the choir, it was way awesome! One of the speakers talked about the Lion King and how we all have a purpose like Simba returned to be King and fight his Uncle Scar...anyways super awesome, I thought it was cool because we are in Africa..and the Lion King. We then had dinner at Irmao Nickatela's house, he was a missionary here in Angola and Mozambique just a couple years ago, now he is married.
We went to go visit Garcia and I smelled Alcohol he was also not driving right and not paying attention, I told him that it is against the law to drive while intoxicated, he is a police officer and did not slow down. He finally got to his sister's house, somehow, I was praying the whole time. We taught his extended family about the importance of families and Garcia about giving up alcohol.
We met some new investigators that live in our condominiums and also with Cristina and Francisco and we talked about the restoration, they loved having us there, but I don't think that they understood one word we said, having to rely on the spirit, that they felt. We met with Domingo after that and he offered us a soda which is always a good sign.
We had zone conference with our President and all of the missionaries for the entire day. We then visited Filomena on Motos since the taxi's don't go that far. We then went to see Tati to go over the Baptismal interview questions for her baptism this month on the 12th. Then our appointments fell through and we ended up knocking doors and we found an investigator we had been looking for, for a long time, named David, really cool.
We had 7 investigators come to church! It was way awesome and we had Norberto and his wife and also Alberto's wife and Luis and Marcos and Lala and Tati, way awesome Sunday. We also had a meeting with the Branch Missionaries and we devised a plan to start working together, its going to be really awesome once this starts happening. This next week should be booming as companions are set and the wheels are turning. I hope all of you are doing well and keep moving forward!! Elder Dunkley
Before the Conference
After the Conference